DHT is a professional technology outsourcing company that offers a wide range of web services and solutions for our global clients. We offers our client the technology that will work for their business, and work well.

DHT provides technical solutions to the challenge that encounter everyday in running eBusiness: Internet stability, System Performance, Security, and Application Support. With DHT, we ensure our client have access when and where you need it. We’ll monitor your system to keep it safe and running, no matter they are on-premise or reside on cloud.
Multiple CDN Platform
DHT use diverse CDN infrastructure to shortens round trip time and decreases page load time by bringing your content closer to visitors. This solution accelerates both static and dynamic web content. In addition to automated compression, session reuse and TCP connection pre-pooling, DHT leverages alternative access points to ensure that the files are fetched directly from appropriate CDN.
DDoS Mitigation
We utilise multiple CDNs to absorb the volumetric attacks. DHT aggregates Terabit per second grade attack protection via automated switching end-users in between CDN networks. DHT Security Service shield website from attacks including DDOS attacks, CC attacks, SYN and UDP floods, and other attacks. DHT provide solution that hide read IP addresses. Visitors access client website through our security node servers. As a result, hackers cannot obtain real IP addresses, and thus reduces the possibility of attacks.
Full Managed Hosting and Cloud Solution
We facilitate client to set up system on cloud services or on-premises infrastructure. Through hybrid IT service model to expand from on-premise into an easy-to-manage private or public cloud, ensure end users are able to transact during peak periods. Your application can automatically scale itself up and down depending on its needs with complete control of your virtual server instances. Similar to traditional managed hosting services, our client can gain full control over private and public cloud-hosted workloads, and self-service and self-provisioning tools.
Monitoring and System Operation
DHT provides 24x7 Monitoring and Operational System Maintenance for client infrastructure. Well trained system operation team ensure all business critical system is being monitored. Prompt reaction will taken according to the well defined operation procedure when system event/issue is raised.
Application Development
DHT development team offer design, development, improvement of application customised to business’ needs. Our full stack development team provide solution that is intuitive, simple and easy without sacrificing efficiency and cost.
Senior Web
+886 2 2351-0686